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Being Vulnerable Is Scary And That's Okay!

Starting therapy may seem nerve racking, especially if it's your first time. However, it's essential to remember that therapy is a safe space where you can talk about your feelings and work through your concerns with a trained professional. If you're considering therapy, it's natural to wonder what to expect from your first session. Here are some things you can expect during your first therapy session.

1.    Introductions and Paperwork

Your first therapy session will involve filling out some paperwork and getting to know your therapist. Your therapist will ask you to fill out some forms that will help them understand your medical history, current concerns, and what you hope to gain from therapy. Your therapist will also introduce themselves, explain the therapy process, and answer any questions you may have.

2.    Setting Goals

During your first therapy session, your therapist will work with you to identify your goals for therapy. They will ask you what you want to achieve and what you hope to gain from therapy. Setting goals can help you and your therapist stay on track and measure your progress.

3.    Discussing Your Concerns

Your therapist will likely ask you to discuss your concerns or the reasons why you sought therapy. They may ask you questions about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to help them better understand your situation. It's essential to be as honest and open as possible during your first therapy session. Your therapist is there to help you, and the more they know, the better they can assist you.

4.    Creating a Treatment Plan

Based on your goals and concerns, your therapist will create a treatment plan that outlines how you will work together to achieve your goals. Your treatment plan may include a timeline, specific interventions, and ways to measure progress. Your therapist will work with you to create a plan that is tailored to your unique needs and goals.

5.    Discussing Confidentiality

Your therapist will discuss confidentiality and what it means for you as their client. They will explain their professional obligations to keep your information private and secure. They will also explain situations where confidentiality may be breached, such as if there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.

6.    Exploring Different Therapeutic Approaches

During your first therapy session, your therapist may explore different therapeutic approaches with you. They may explain the different types of therapy they offer and discuss which approach might be best suited to your needs. This exploration can help you understand what to expect from therapy and feel more comfortable with the process.

In conclusion, the first therapy session can feel overwhelming, but it's an important step towards achieving your goals. During your first session, you can expect to fill out some paperwork, discuss your concerns, set goals, and create a treatment plan. Your therapist will also discuss confidentiality and explore different therapeutic approaches with you. Remember, therapy is a safe and supportive space where you can work through your concerns and achieve your goals with the help of a trained professional.